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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Good urban design foils crook

Yesterday, I saw the photo below via the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department's Twitter feed and my first city-planning-geek thought was, "Hooray for urban-scale building setbacks! If this was on a highway or in a suburb, the driver would have more time and space to correct/overcorrect back into a travel lane."  Good urban design can indeed function as Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED).

This relatively new building in Charlotte's NoDa (North Davidson) neighborhood took some damage from the robber's car, but with some repair, it will continue to provide a great example of urban housing options.

Hooray for shallow urban setbacks and great street walls*!

*Buildings built to the sidewalk define a street and create a "street wall".  A continuous street wall with windows and doors create a better urban experience via walkability and more "eyes on the street".

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